This open IRCnet2 server is provided by:

\ /
----------------------------------------------------------------- to all users on IPv4/IPv6 port 6667

*** Featured:

] This server provides experimental SASL management.
] Authentication has the following advantages:
* You can join channels which allow only authenticated
users to join (channel mode: +r).
* You can hide your IP address by assigning a cloaked hostname.
* You can recover your nick, if someone else is using it.

Read more and sign up at


] CONTEMPT provides no channel registration services.

] To avoid opless channels, you are encouraged to use the
channel reop mode +R (otherwise unfixable).

] Usage of /list for listing all channels is active.

] Rules:
* We reserve the right to deny service to anyone at any
time and for any reason.
* Mass advertising/link spam is not allowed.
* Clients connected for the purpose of stealing nicks
are not allowed.
* Bots are tolerated as long as they are not part
of any huge(+5000 clients) botnet.
* Breaking these rules will result in a ban from ALL
open servers.

] If you require any further information, join #ircnet

--[ Server Operators ]------------------------------------------

Administrator: nosfar

IRC is a privilege, not a right!
Respect others and enjoy your stay on IRCnet2.
--[ End Of MOTD ]-----------------------------------------------